Visualization will aide inyour ascension processes and in finding and manifesting that which you havebeen wanting out of your Earth experience. You are the Creators of each andevery energy signature you send out to be manifested in your reality, and theimportance of taking a firm grasp on your Creations and manifesting only thatwhich you wish for in your Lives for the greatest good for yourselves and thosearound you is very strong, especially at this time.
The imbalance of the surface of Earth that has been fed for many centuries hasbeen because of the lack of understanding on the part of humanity, of yourability to manifest that which you desire on your world rather than that whichcontinues to feed the illusions of separation and imbalance. You have heardbefore of the illusion that has been fed on your world since the fall ofAtlantis; that is, that you are all simple humans who possess no power tochange the world and the reality around you.
Your sheer belief in limitation is what makes limitation real and solidifies itin your own experiences. If you could fathom at this moment your pure,unfiltered powers of Creation and how important they are to your overallexperience, you would understand fully that each and every thought andemotional impression which you give out to the Cosmos will come back to yourLives in some cases instantly, and will have a powerful energetic effect onwhich events do and do not play out during your experience.
With this we come back to theimportance of visualization. Visualization is indeed not difficult, but simplyrequires a stern commitment and effort to focus clearly upon that which youwish to manifest in your Lives. Let those parts of yourselves know that whatyou are thinking of and presenting to us, your guides and to those parts ofyourselves who will help you manifest your thoughts, is very important to youand is truly what you want for yourselves and any others involved in themanifestation of the event.
It does take a solid commitment, but we have seen how solid and strong acommitment you have made to your ascension processes and we know that with aclear, focused mind on visualizing and manifesting what you truly want out ofyour Lives, you will see the results that we speak of and many of you havenoticed without any effort on your part how quickly some of your thoughts andmanifestations have come back and shown themselves to you.
The ascension of the surface Earth and of you all who are inhabiting Hersurface is seeing that you begin to notice the etheric, higher dimensionalparts of yourselves who have been waiting just on the horizon to be noticed,felt and experienced by you. There are an infinite amount of us ascended beingswho are looking down upon you and assisting you at this time, and we havenoticed that interaction with us ascended beings has been something that hasinterested many on your world as many find this contact for themselves.
The process of finding the energies of the higher realms for many, involvesfinding and making a direct contact with us ascended beings who inhabit thehigher realms. As this is done, most of the souls who find this communicationwith us use it to the advantage of the Light, to help others on their ascensionjourneys.
As other souls are exposed to our energies and our messages, if an interest isgarnered in us by such souls than they themselves begin looking for a solid,steady communication with their own guides and/or with the souls whose messagesthey have read on your internet. To those who are looking to make a steadycontact with us or with your guides at this time, we wish you to know that theenergies being offered to your bodies, souls and to your world are strongenough that the veil has thinned significantly in favor of a mass amount ofsouls incarnate on Earth discovering this contact with us after having expandedtheir own mental and emotional channels and expanding the barriers of what theyperceive to be real.
As with manifesting that which you desire, the commitment to finding thiscontact for yourselves and staying open enough to receive the energies of usascended beings as well as the energies of the higher realms, is a very strongcommitment and one that involves much testing along one’s Life path.
Visualization and manifestation practices are encouraged when trying to feelour energies, as we can feel the energies of every soul incarnate on Earth andwhen a soul’s thoughts which are themselves energetic imprints are directedtoward our spirit complexes, we receive such energetic imprints as they reachthe souls whom they were directed at.
Even simply being familiar with our energies through feeling them by readingour messages and taking such impressions and incorporating them into yourdesire to communicate with us and feel our energies in a more pure way than youcan by reading our messages, will see an almost instant energetic connectionwith us at our end.
Believe us dear souls, we make telepathic and astral contact with manyawakening souls on this beautiful world on a moment to moment basis when calledupon by such souls, and the majority do not realize, know or understand thatthey are in a communication with us as they cannot physically perceive us butbelieve us dear souls, we are with you when you call upon us.
Of course, our energies when being given to you are funneled down to your thirdand fourth dimensional bodies and spirit complexes, and our energies aredistorted by your egos and various structures and programs of mind. There areso many things, so many truths and insights that we wish dearly we could sharewith you all, but that we cannot because the very essence of these revelationsand truths are far more advanced and complicated for your current perspectivesthan the information that we are able to share with you.
当然,在我们的能量传输给到第三维度,第四维度身体的过程中,很多能量都损耗了,同时我们的能量被你们的自我,以及意识所创造的各种幻象所扭曲。我们有如此多知识,由此多真实 希望可以和你们分享。但是我们无法做到,因为以你们现在的理解能力,这些真实和本质过于复杂,过于超前。也因此我们只能和你们分享一小部分信息。
The human program is a very interesting one, and is one that we as well as manyother ascended souls have been studying since your original templates for alower dimensional experience on Earth were designed.
The original templates for the behavior, mood and attitudes of humanity werevery simple and hollow at first. Your bodies were programmed in a way that theycould bring through the basic human emotions of happiness, anger, sadness andsuch, and while such energies, emotions and feelings originate from your soulsand the essence of your spirit, your bodies are receptors of sorts for theenergies that are coming through.
An easy way we could describe the relationship between how emotionalimpressions are sent through your body would be to compare a radio receiverwith which channels can come through it. At first, your bodies were programmedagain to bring through the very basic human emotions, feelings and structuresof mind that your spirit Created, and this could be compared to your radiobringing through basic audio signals and frequencies
The original body templates for the lower dimensional experience of humanitywere programmed to bring such basic primitive modes of thinking and feelingthrough, and what your bodies were not and in many cases still are not able todo and perceive could be compared to how a basic radio is not able to bringthrough high-definition video programming from cable or satellite-basedtelevision frequencies.
We hope that this metaphor can be understood and that it conveys in a clearenough way what we are trying to communicate to you, as it is a very complexand intricate explanation and we wish to break it down in a way that it can beunderstood better by the many souls who will read this message.
Your bodies are now evolving to a point where your minds and temples can bringthrough parts of yourselves who exist outside of the physical and who have notbeen expressed or felt by you in the physical as a result. Indeed, it is yourvery soul essence that is ascending, but the distorted parts of your souls whoare being expressed through your physical bodies are being upgraded with yourbodies as you ascend.
This upgrade of your bodies is being performed so that you can begin to shakeoff the illusory lower dimensional constraints, blockages and mental constructsthat have kept your bodies from being able to bring through and have you feelthe ascended parts of yourselves.
As your bodies ascend, you naturally begin to feel and experience a higher andmore pure state of consciousness. Though many of you have only begun toperceive of what we mean by this, the reality that you are to know andexperience upon a full expansion will truly be unlike anything you will feelyou have ever experienced.
Despite seeming a bit unfamiliar at first, after time spent and lessons learnedand grown from in the higher realms you will begin to remember with much easeand clarity your experiences in these realms before your descent into the lowervibrations. You will begin to feel and remember all that we have been informingyou of in ways that will see you know and understand such things so much betterand easier than you currently can and are by reading our communications on yourinternet.
尽管刚开始的时候感觉会有些不适应,在高纬度学习并成长一段时间后,你们会感受到舒适和明晰,你们会了解这些都是你们在掉入低纬度振动之前的感受。你们会开始感受并回忆我们曾经告诉你们的一切,然后你们会比现在更加容易地理解这件事。那时候你们的理解程度比现在通过你们的网络读我们的信息 所理解的内容多得多。
This is one reason why we are excited to meet you dear souls when the righttime comes, and indeed the extraterrestrial souls you have recognized will notbe the only souls you will be reuniting with. Oh dear souls, there are infinitemultitudes of us ascended beings who wish so dearly for a reignited directcontact with you in your fading physical, and indeed there will not be muchphysical left to exist in once you all begin to ascend away from suchconstraining and heavy dimensions
What you are feeling right now and the Lighted energies you are being gracedwith while pure, are just the tip of the iceberg. You are to feel andexperience things that are to completely shift your concept of reality asindeed, your conceptual restraints have been and are being torn down atexponential rates.
A part of this tearing down of your egotistical and mental barriers andconstructs is you looking upon such constructs and constraints and realizingthem for their true, hollow nature. This is happening with so many of you onEarth right now as you grow to states of consciousness that see you meeting theconstraints you had set up for yourselves, eye to eye.
This is a very delicate part of your ascension processes as you are beingexposed to parts of yourselves that you have kept hidden down for so very longand for so very many reasons. The general process of ascension is indeed easierthan many think it to be; it is just that the hard part along your ascensionpaths is always when you have to come face-to-face with fears, hurts andconcerns from past or current Lives.
We have noticed that many ofyou bide up your fears, worries and concerns, and make them your worst enemiesand the things to most reject and attempt to keep oneself away from. Unfortunately,to do so is to hide from parts of yourselves that have simply needed to beexposed to you , so that you could realize them for their true nature andtransmute their fearful, heavy or otherwise energies at their and your verycore. This dear souls, is the process of integration and transmutation.
You have heard many times through terrestrial or otherwise sources of theintegrating and transmuting of heavy and dense energies, and as Earth has beencleansed at Her very core and ascended or rather remembered back to Herbeautiful fifth dimensional form, the violence and fear that has existed on Hersurface is being exposed to you all who have fed such violence and fear forcenturies, through your own inner- fears and hates that you have keptyourselves close to while at the same time, distancing yourselves away from at yoursurface.
If only if could be fully communicated to you how your systems of behavior andmodes of belief and perception actually do manifest not only what happens inyour Life, but what happens in the Lives of others through the choices youmake. Of course it is known that an unkind act toward someone may hurt theirfeelings, but is it quite known that an unkind act toward someone can make themmanifest difficulties in their own Life as a result of the unhappy feelingssuch an unkind act would cause?
Of course, karma comes into play in such a scenario, and the soul who wouldhave caused the distress in the first place would certainly experience theproper karmic alleviation through possibly difficult or otherwisestress-producing events which will manifest in their Lives.
Detachment is becoming the name of the game so to speak for many at this time,and as you have heard before detachment does not signify a lack of Love.
我们已经谈到过多次,通过脱离让自己从业念的循环中 解脱出来。如你们所听到的,脱离并不意味着爱的缺乏。
Detachment lets oneself and those around oneself know that despite what happensduring one’s surface experience which in nearly every case is Created by thevery soul in question, such perceived lower energies will not get one down orbring their complexes out of balance. Balance is exactly what is needed at thistime dear souls, which is why detachment is required in many cases.
Do not get us wrong dear souls, you do not need to slip into selfish modes ofbehavior while under the guise of being ‘detached’ but you also do not have tostrain yourselves in an effort to make those around you happy all of the time.
请不要误解我们的话,亲爱的灵魂们,在引导自己"脱离"的过程中,你们不需要陷入自我的行动模式, 你们也不需要限制自己的行为,一味地来可以迎合周围的人,使周围的人开心。
Indeed, Service to Others is practiced here in the higher realms and practicingService to Others in your own Lives will open up the avenue to happy karmicexperiences and pure energies that you have not yet experienced, but it is alsosternly important that you find the time and make the effort to treat and serveyourselves, for you cannot be in a proper aligned state to serve others if youyourself are feeling low and unbalanced.
We hope dearly that as you make your effort to find the higher realms in morepure ways known, you will begin to realize when you are employing conceptualconstraints in your own Lives. Of course, you have been acting under andfeeling such constraints for many centuries and Lives and as you realize theseconstraints for just what they are, you begin to shake them off and get usedonce again to being limitless and infinite.
As you perform this inner work and see yourselves much more purely-tuned andhappier and more clear in general, the Creation around you will naturally beginto respond by opening up the avenue for many more rich and fulfilling Lifeexperiences. Imagine how all of this is happening now, at this time in yourhistory when you as a society are about to have the veils taken off from overyour eyes and your hearts.
You have been in the thick of your ascension processes for some time, and whilemany still feel that they are at a standstill we remind you to look forward tothe events that are occurring on the surface of Earth for the validation thatreal, solid change is coming to your world. We have not been able to say thiswhile communicating with other civilizations in other time periods of yourhistory and especially not in your recent years, but your ascension ishappening right now and the energies behind it are sweeping away all that hasbeen of the old paradigm, and you are literally seeing this in progress, in thephysical at this very moment.
Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.
通灵者: Wes Annac-
翻译: Cappuccino
- Mar 16 Fri 2012 01:19